Legal Mention


EXPEDIATUR.ES, is a website dedicated to the management and processing of travel visas. In compliance with the duty of information established in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE), we expressly, precisely and clearly inform the recipients of the service as to the competent bodies, the company that owns this web domain, as well as, of all the identifying data:

Corporate Name: Expediatur SLNE (en adelante EXPEDIATUR)
CIF/NIE: B86746302
Address: Alameda Street 22 / 28041 Madrid

Web address:


These conditions regulate the use and enjoyment of this website by the USER and EXPEDIATUR. The access and use of the EXPEDIATUR website attributes to the user the status of user, who from said access accepts the General Conditions of Use that are reflected below and acknowledges having read them. The aforementioned Conditions will be applied independently to the General Contracting Conditions, which should be imputed, where appropriate. If you do not agree with the Conditions of Use, please leave the EXPEDIATUR website immediately.


The EXPEDIATUR website originates with a clear commercial objective, although it includes information and content that is available to all Internet users for free and without having to pay any amount for access. These Conditions and Limitations of Use apply especially in this environment, notwithstanding the fact that their value is added and extended to the rest of the General and/or Particular Conditions that are established for those services that are performed on the Web and that entail a collection or payment of money.

The General Conditions will be accessible from the main page of the web. The operations in which it is necessary to establish Particular Conditions, these will be reliably arranged and must be specifically approved by the User, so that they are considered accepted.


All content and information displayed on the web, and to which the USER has access, are the exclusive property of EXPEDIATUR. The USER may view and make use of said information for personal and informative use, assuming all responsibility derived from the use of this Internet portal. In no case may you use the information for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication or transformation.

In cases where it is necessary for the USER to register to access a certain service or content, it will be his responsibility to provide truthful and lawful information.

The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of this website, its contents and its services, without violating current legislation, and not using them to (i) carry out illegal, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities ; (ii) disseminate propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, of apology of terrorism or attempt against human rights; (iii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of EXPEDIATUR, its suppliers or third parties, introduce computer viruses or any other systems in the network that may cause the damage described above; (iv) try to access the data and email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

In any case, EXPEDIATUR will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other participation tools.


All contents, documents, images, graphics, logos, visible icons, designs and other elements that make up this website and are part of it, are the exclusive property of EXPEDIATUR.

All this content and format is duly protected by the Spanish and International Laws on Intellectual Property, being prohibited its reproduction, use and distribution by any means, for commercial purposes, without the prior written authorization of EXPEDIATUR.


EXPEDIATUR is not responsible for any interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content, nor will it be liable, in any case, for the damages caused as a result of:

  • The transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to avoid them.

  • A malfunction of the USER's browser, as well as the use of an outdated version.

EXPEDIATUR will carry out, whenever possible and as soon as it becomes aware of the errors, all those actions necessary to update the content of the web, as well as to correct the possible errors and restore communication.

The improper use of the website will be exclusively the responsibility of the user, never of EXPEDIATUR.


EXPEDIATUR reserves the right to make without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate in this portal, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through it, as its location or presentation.

EXPEDIATUR may modify these Conditions of Use at any time. The conditions contained herein will be valid until such time as they are modified or when a change is made in the applicable legislation or there is a judicial resolution whereby a part of these Conditions of Use cease to be applicable, the affected clauses will be annulled. immediately, but the rest of the conditions will continue in force.

The use of our website implies that you accept the Conditions of Use and agree to accept the modifications made to them. In the event that you are not willing to accept these conditions, you must immediately leave this website.


EXPEDIATUR will not exercise any control, nor will it be responsible for the content of other websites that are linked or accessible from our website. Consequently, the existence of links with other websites does not imply the approval of its contents by EXPEDIATUR.

Nor is availability guaranteed in any technical case, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of said links or other Internet sites. The purpose of these links is to boost access to other sources of information through the Internet.

If a USER considers that any content or service provided on the linked pages is unlawful or causes any injury to property and rights, he may communicate it to EXPEDIATUR, however the reception by us of said communication will not entail the generation of responsibility provided for in article 17 of the LSSICE.


EXPEDIATUR reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or from a third party, to those users who breach these General Conditions of Use.

Failure to comply with these Conditions of Use, as well as improper use of the website and its content, will be prosecuted and all civil and criminal actions that apply will be exercised.


This website and the services offered therein will be governed by Spanish law, as will the contractual relationship between EXPEDIATUR and the USER. In case of controversy, you will go to Courts and Courts in the town of Majadahonda, or to the courts that apply according to the applicable consumer and user legislation.

In the event that the USER does not have the status of consumer, will be submitted to the Courts of the town of Majadahonda.



General statement on the use of personal data of the Data Protection Regulation:

In compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data, EXPEDIATUR SNLE informs all those people (hereinafter USERS AND CUSTOMERS) who access, browse and contract services through the website accessible through the domain and its subdomains (hereinafter, “the Website”) that all personal data collected and provided through the Website, including data provided by USERS AND CLIENTS for the provision of services offered or those data obtained through of cookies, will be incorporated into an encrypted and secure file owned by EXPEDIATUR.

As a company based in the European Union, Expediatur SLNE is obliged to comply with current data protection regulations in Europe and Spain. Due to the nature of the data collected here, we are required by law to obey all precepts and contents in the GDPR regulations. It is in good faith and with our best intention that we act in accordance with this regulation to comply with our best capabilities and knowledge.

Registered data is saved through our applications and will be used exclusively to adjust our services to the best interest of individuals. No data processing or extraction of personal data will be executed from this collected information. The Controller and the Data Processor (namely, Expediatur SLNE) located at the address mentioned in the GDPR Rights Recognition section of this document will not retain this information after the services have been provided for other uses than those indicated to then, unless explicit permission is granted to do so. Therefore, we present this authorization panel to comply with Article 6, section 1a, of the GDP Regulation.

As the subject of individual and personal data, by using our services, you grant the aforementioned Controller and Processor the following rights over the personal data already provided and the consent to:

The processing of your personal data and preferences to use our services.

  1. The Controller and the Processor will use the information collected to adjust their services to the best interest of individuals.

  2. The Controller and the Processor will communicate with you using the personal data provided above for any additional questions that may be required within the appropriate limits of the collection of information to provide the services.

  3. The Controller and the Processor have the right to keep the information stored for other purposes related to this and other services, future potential and other services. without hesitation of your erasure rights as indicated in article 17 of GDPR.

The main objectives of the transfer of personal data by USERS and CUSTOMERS is to enable the provision of the requested services, manage and maintain the Website; attend questions or requests raised; as well as keeping them, even by electronic means, about the news, services and products of EXPEDIATUR.

The completion of all the data requested through the Website is necessary to achieve optimal provision of the services made available to USERS and CLIENTS. If not all information is provided, EXPEDIATUR does not guarantee that the information and services requested can be provided correctly or meet the needs of USERS AND CUSTOMERS.

No data processing or extraction of personal data will be executed from this collected information. The Controller and the Data Processor (namely, Expediatur SLNE) located at the address mentioned in the GDPR Rights Recognition section of this document will not retain this information after the services have been provided for other uses than those indicated to then, unless explicit permission is granted to do so. Therefore, we present this authorization panel to comply with Article 6, section 1a, of the GDP Regulation.

The following types of personal information may be collected, stored and used:

  1. information about your computer, including your IP address, geographic location, browser type and version, and operating system;

  2. information about your visits and use of this website, including reference sources, length of visit, page visits and website navigation routes;

  3. information you enter when creating an account on our website, such as the email address;

  4. information that you enter when creating a profile on our website, for example, your name, profile picture, gender, birthday, marital status, interests and hobbies, training and employment information;

  5. information you enter to subscribe to our emails and newsletters, such as your name and email address;

  6. information you enter while using the services on our website;

  7. information generated while using our website, including when, how often and under what circumstances you use it;

  8. information about any aspect related to your purchase, services you use or transactions you make through the website, including your name, address, telephone number, email address and credit card information;

  9. information that you publish on our website with the intention of being published on the Internet, including your username, profile pictures and content of your publications;

  10. information contained in any of the communications that you send us through email or our website, including the content of the communication and metadata;

  11. any other personal information you send us


As Controller, we will comply with Article 17 and its different subsections. The subject of the data will have the right to obtain from the Controller access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of the personal data that concern him without undue delay. These actions will be granted as soon as the subject of the data requires it through the written mail sent to the following address: Expediatur, C / Alameda 22 (Impact Hub) 28014 Madrid (Spain), indicating the desire of the subject of the data of exercise that right. In all cases, the User must accompany a copy of their national identity document, passport or other valid identification document.

The personal information that you send us through our website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website. We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. manage our website and business;

  2. customize our website for you;

  3. activate the use of services available on our website;

  4. send items purchased through our website;

  5. provide services purchased through our website;

  6. send extracts, invoices and payment reminders and collect your data;

  7. send commercial communications (not marketing);

  8. send email notifications that you have specifically requested;

  9. send an email newsletter, if you have requested it (you can inform us at any time if you do not wish to continue subscribing to the newsletter);

  10. send marketing communications related to our business, or carefully selected third-party businesses, that we believe will be of interest to you, by postal mail or where you have specifically accepted this, by email or similar technologies (you can inform us at any time if you don't want to continue receiving marketing communications);

  11. give statistical information to third parties about our users (but those third parties will not be able to identify any individual user with that information);

  12. respond to questions and complaints from you or about you, related to our website;

  13. keep the website protected and avoid fraud;

  14. verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our website (including the monitoring of private messages through the private messaging service of our website); and

  15. other uses.

If you submit personal information for publication on our website, we will publish and use that information in accordance with the license you grant us.

Your privacy settings can be used to limit the publication of our information on our website and can be adjusted using privacy controls on the website.

Without your explicit consent, we will not provide your personal information to any third party for direct marketing or that of another third party.

D. Disseminate personal information

We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisors, agents, suppliers or contractors, as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this policy.

We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group of companies (this includes subsidiaries, our group and all its subsidiaries), as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this policy.

We may disclose your personal information:

  1. up to what is required by law;

  2. in relation to any current or prospective legal procedure;

  3. to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing personal information to others in order to avoid fraud and reduce credit risk);

  4. to the buyer (or prospective buyer) of any business or asset that we are selling or are contemplating selling; and

  5. to any person we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority to request the disclosure of that personal information, and that, in our reasonable opinion, said court or authority will have a reasonable probability of ordering the disclosure of such personal information.

Except as provided by law, we will not provide your personal information to third parties.

E. International data transfers

  1. The information we collect may be stored, processed and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate, in order to allow us to use the information in accordance with this policy.

  2. The information we collect can be transferred to the following countries where we do not have data protection laws equivalent to those in force in the European Economic Area: United States of America, Russia, Japan, China and India.

  3. Personal information that you publish on our website or submit for publication on our website, may be available through the Internet, worldwide. We cannot avoid the use or misuse of such information by others.

  4. You explicitly accept the transfers of personal information described in this section E.

F. Keep personal information

  1. This section F specifies our policies and procedures for the conservation of personal information, designed to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations with respect to the conservation and disposal of personal information.

  2. The personal information we process for any purpose or purposes should not be stored longer than necessary for that purpose or purposes.

  3. Without prejudice to Article F-2, we will usually delete personal data that fall into the categories mentioned below on the date and time determined below:

    1. personal data will be deleted on {ENTER DATE / TIME}; and


  4. In spite of the other clauses of this section F, we will keep the documents (including electronic documents) that contain personal data:

    1. to the extent required by law;

    2. if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any current or prospective legal procedure; and

    3. to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing personal information to others in order to avoid fraud and reduce credit risk).

G. Security of your personal information

  1. We will take reasonable technical and organizational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information.

  2. We will store all personal information you give us on our secure servers (password protected and firewalls).

  3. All electronic financial transactions made through our website will be protected by encryption technology.

  4. You agree that the transmission of information on the Internet is inherently insecure and that we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the Internet.

  5. You are responsible for keeping the password you use to access our website confidential, and we will not ask for your password (except to log in to our website).

H. Amendments

We may update this policy occasionally, by posting a new version on our website. We may notify you of changes to this policy through email or through the private messaging system of our website.


In accordance with Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data, EXPEDIATUR undertakes to treat under the strictest confidentiality and applying the corresponding technical and organizational security measures, the personal data of USERS AND CUSTOMERS.


Children under 18 must not provide their personal data to EXPEDIATUR without the prior consent of their parents or guardians. Please, if you are a minor, ask your parents or guardians to contact us first.


If you provide personal data relating to third parties, USERS and CLIENTS must obtain their prior and express consent, having informed them of the terms contained in this Privacy Policy. The USERS AND CUSTOMERS are obliged to keep EXPEDIATUR harmless, in case of any possible claim, penalty, fine or sanction that may be forced to bear as a result of the breach by you of the duty described in this paragraph.


The use of this website for the sending of unwanted commercial communications or SPAM is prohibited. SPAM consists of the mass and indiscriminate sending, unauthorized or requested, of advertising by email. This practice is considered a serious infraction in accordance with the provisions of article 38.3 c) of the L.S.S.I.


EXPEDIATUR informs all those who access this website ( and its subdomains) that uses third-party cookies for the purpose of measuring and monitoring the activity of the website and facilitating the use of This web page.

The cookies we use do not store any personal data, or any type of information that can identify you. If you do not want to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser to erase them from your computer's hard drive, block them or notify you if they are installed. To continue without changes in the configuration of cookies, simply continue on the website.


A cookie is a small information file, which is downloaded to the terminal (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) of the USER and CUSTOMER, when it accesses and browses certain websites, such as this website. Cookies allow you to compare and understand how users navigate through a web page, and thus be able to consistently improve the browsing process. Cookies also contribute to the functionality, usability and accessibility of web pages.

Depending on the function and purpose of cookies, there are several types:

  • Analytical: Analytical cookies measure and collect data from the website (visits, traffic parameters, clicks, page views, etc.) to understand and optimize the website.

  • Social: They are necessary to manage external social networks (Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.). Its function is to control the interaction of users with social widgets within a web page.

  • Techniques: strictly necessary for the functionality and usability of the websites, allowing navigation through them by the user and the use of their different options and services.

  • Advertising and behavioral cookies: They collect information about the user's browsing habits and their behavior in order to identify preferences, tastes and habits within a specific website, allowing the advertising content to be adapted.

  • Personalization cookies: These are those that allow websites to retain certain preferences (for example, language, country, regional settings, etc.) predefined by the user on their first visit (and subsequent) on the website.

  • Third-party cookies: Third-party cookies are owned by third parties and used by websites in order to manage and improve the content and services offered.

To obtain more information about cookies, the User can visit the website


The types of cookies used on this website are strictly those necessary, more specifically they are:

  • Technical Cookies: Without these cookies, many of the available services would not be operational.

  • Analytical Cookies

  • Personalization cookies

EXPEDIATUR uses Google Analytics (third-party cookies) on the website. It is an analytical service provided by the company Google, Inc. (hereinafter, "Google"). Through Google Analytics, EXPEDIATUR analyzes the user's interaction with the website, monitors their browsing habits, collects data of their activity with the purpose of EXPEDIATUR can measure the performance and usability of the website.

Google is a company located in the United States. Therefore, the data processed by Google Analytics (including the user's IP address) may be transferred to the United States and stored on Google servers located in that country.

The user can manage and block the processing of their personal data through Google Analytics through the browser settings used to access the website.


Mozilla Firefox
In case of using the Mozilla Firefox browser, the User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them by clicking on the following link:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
In case of using the Internet Explorer browser, the User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them by accessing the following link:

Google Chrome
In case of using the Google Chrome browser, the User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them by accessing the following link:

Apple Safari
In case of using the Apple Safari browser, the User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them in Safari version 6/7 (Mavericks) and in Safari version 8 (Yosemite) by accessing the following links:

In case of using the Opera browser, the User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them by accessing the following link:

In the event that the use of cookies is not allowed while browsing this Website, EXPEDIATUR, cannot guarantee that the information displayed during browsing is complete and/or possible.
The User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them in Opera Mini, in Safari and in Google Chrome by accessing the following links:

The User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them in Mozilla Firefox and in Google Chrome by accessing the following links:

Windows phone 7
The User can obtain information on how to block the use of cookies and eliminate them by accessing the following link:

Third party websites
Our website includes hyperlinks to, and information from, third party websites. We have no control and are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of third parties.

Update information
Please inform us if the personal information we have about you needs to be corrected or updated.